Megumi & Tsugumi, Vol. 2 (Yaoi Manga) (2025)

Dilushani Jayalath

1,000 reviews212 followers

July 8, 2023

Yes. I’m definitely continuing this series. I can’t wait for the next volume to be released in English.

Ben Howard

1,323 reviews169 followers

October 3, 2023

Loving this emotionally stunted hothead x hopeless romantic delinquent pairing

    manga read-in-2023

L Ann

632 reviews139 followers

August 5, 2023

DNF @ 50%

Even though I disliked volume one so much, I had already purchased this one so I felt obligated to give it a chance. I often find the second volume of a series more enjoyable than the first one so I was thinking that may be the case here.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.😑 Tsugumi is absolutely insufferable. If he knows that his heats are that bad and that unpredictable, why is he insisting on not taking suppressants, walking around releasing pheromones, and powering through using only his "iron will?" Not only is that inconsiderate to Megumi, who has agreed to help him through them, but it's a nuisance to every alpha who has to smell him as he walks around the neighborhood trying to pick fights with people. 😒🤦‍♀️

And why is he always threatening to beat up Megumi? I understand that he's an idiot with zero self-awareness, but him wanting to hurt him every time he feels confused or flustered had already gotten old in the first volume. He's so childish, and I am too old to relate or think it's cute.

And I hate that Megumi still compares himself to his father. He isn't anything like him, and it's Tsugumi's fault that he has to keep questioning himself. He puts him in the most impossible situations and doesn't even try to understand his feelings. Megumi's best friend, Subaru, likes him and I honestly wish he'd just get with him instead of asking Tsugumi to try to figure out if he even likes him. 🙄✋️

As was my issue in volume one, their relationship does not feel believable. I don't understand why Megumi likes Tsugumi. He needs time to mature and learn how to communicate without threatening to hurt someone. He is easily one of the most annoying characters I've read about this year. 1 star


Marc D. Hayakawa ✨

724 reviews76 followers

March 2, 2021

4.5/5 estrellas

Los wachines terminaron encontrando el amor. Vamos carajo 💖🌈

Jess | jadecanread

926 reviews157 followers

November 7, 2023

tsugumi is a bit much but the hopeless romantic megumi makes up for it.

I'm not saying this series is spectacular, but I also can't seem to stop reading it.


also cw: one of the mmc gets drugged and molested by his best friend. (honestly did not see that coming)

Rating: 3.5 rounded up.

    anal graphics-and-manga lgbtq-plus


327 reviews116 followers

March 5, 2024

Tsugumi's emotional support lead pipe is a paid actor.

In which Tsugumi gets confused and hits things. That's the gist of this volume and honestly, I fuckin' love it.

    bl enemies-to-lovers high-school


345 reviews10 followers

May 15, 2023

honestly tsugumi is simply a treasure. I wish I too could believe I could willpower the fucknout of everything


2,441 reviews7 followers

November 4, 2020

See review volume 1

    4-5-stars cute funny

hope [hiatus]

401 reviews241 followers

August 20, 2024

i'm not sure if this is a 3 or 4 star read because something really pissed me off in this (subaru, Megumi’s friend to be specific 😡), so i think i will just stick with a neutral rating of 3 stars.

this was honestly 5 stars if it wasn't for megumi's shitty ass friend. i hope to GOSH he throws that fucker to the side and never speaks to him again. but it seems like the author just kinda skipped over it and megumi will forgive him (and still be friends with him).

i loved megumi and tsugumi's relationship development in this though. tsugumi is my favourite, he cracks me up. i love how he's secretly a soft baby who likes to cuddle.

absolutely adored seeing how tsugumi's fathers' relationship started. they're freaking adorable 😍😍😍

i'm still going to read the next volume and i hope it doesn't disappoint me like this one did 😭

    enemies-to-lovers good-but-missed-the-mark insta-love-lust


1,376 reviews2,188 followers

January 1, 2024


a solid second volume, though it feels a LITTLE repetitive

    manga-manhua-comics read-in-2024


198 reviews4 followers

January 12, 2022

Klappentext: Tsugumi, ein Omega, hasst alle Alphas. Er glaubt, dass sie Omegas unterdrücken und ausnutzen. Deshalb verpasst er ihnen Abreibungen, wo er nur kann. Bei einer solchen steht er plötzlich dem Alpha Megumi gegenüber, der die anderen Alphas beschützen will. Megumi scheint anders zu sein als andere Alphas – und Tsugumi ist verwirrt. Er findet sich schnell zwischen seinem Hass und einem neuen Gefühl der Sehnsucht wieder…

Cover: Ich mag das Cover sehr und finde es toll, dass es eine etwas andere Farbe ist.

Zeichenstil & Storyline: Ich kenn den Zeichenstil ja schon von Band 1 und hab mich sehr gefreut, dass es weitergeht. Nachdem fiesen Cliffhanger von Band 1 wollte ich sofort weiterlesen. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß bei diesen Band und mag die Chemie zwischen den beiden. Ich musste oft schmunzeln und hab mit beiden sehr Mitgefühlt. Das es einen Rivalen gibt, bringt Spannung für die Story. Ich habe das gar nicht kommen sehen und hoffe so sehr, dass zwischen ein Happy End gibt. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf Band 3 und bin gespannt wie es weitergeht.

Meinung: Eine tolle Fortsetzung von Megumi & Tsugumi. Ich finde es auch toll, dass die Story mal etwas anders ist und auch das eine Bonusstory gibt wie die Väter sich kennengelernt haben. Ach die Story ist einfach Zucker, sie ist ruhig und spicy gleichzeitig. Das mag ich sehr und kann es euch nur empfehlen.

Bewertung: 5/5

Iyas Utomo

461 reviews10 followers

June 16, 2024

I don't really understand why I'm still reading the second volume of this manga when I didn't like the first volume and gave it a low rating.

Yeah, I tried giving it another chance because I saw its high rating on Goodreads, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to read it.

But what? I still can't connect with this manga. I feel there is no character development, and I can't find anything enjoyable other than Tsugumi's habit of chewing food, which makes him somewhat cute.

But beyond that, I still feel that this manga isn't for me. I won't continue to the next volume.


930 reviews38 followers

May 20, 2023

honestly I'm so amused by this brawler4brawler pairing. my fave thing is how Megumi is so gone for Tsugumi and just wants to go on dates make out. meanwhile Tsugumi is like "??? romance? I don't know her. bye" 😂 lots happened in this volume, and some major assholes got beat up which they deserved! this series has a unique combination of humor, fighting, pining, and lots of heat (lol) -- never a dull moment with Megumi and Tsugumi!

    lgbtqia manga

Michelle Easton

511 reviews33 followers

May 2, 2023

These two are hilarious together, but you can see how much they genuinely care for each other. Megumi is kind and caring, but he just wants Tsugumi to figure out his feelings. And Tsugumi is so unsure of things. Hopefully it gets better from here.

    asian-based bl lgbtq

Fátima Embark

Author11 books124 followers

June 26, 2022

La nota es por el fangirleo, obvio. Anda que no son adorables! 🤣🤣🤣



77 reviews2 followers

June 9, 2023

4.5 💛


133 reviews1 follower

September 7, 2024

Es que LES AMO
No puedo ser más fan de Tsugumi 🥹



813 reviews17 followers

October 17, 2023

I love Megumi and Tsugumi so much. MY PRECIOUS BOYS. They are my everything.

Truly, though, I’m loving this series. For an omegaverse story, there’s a surprising amount of consent between the two MCs. I adore it. I especially loved seeing Megumi trying to get through Tsugumi’s thick skull that he loves him 😂 It was so cute. And Tsugumi was so stressed! Too much back and forth for that poor dumb dumb’s brain. I adore him. My dumb gremlin 💖

Also. The chaos of how Tsugumi’s parents got together? 😂 Iconic. Harutsugu is a sweet menace. Still a menace though. Icons through and through. They can’t even help their som figure out his feelings 😂💖

All in all. Loved this volume. Only reason it’s not 5🌟 is because of the assault scene. Like why did the mangaka have to add that in? At least it wasn’t between the MCs 😩

Alicia Gourdine

110 reviews

July 9, 2023

Love this series!

I love Tsugumi and Megumi's story! From beginning to end you get to see the different ways Tsugumi tires to navigate and understand what he's feeling for Megumi. This second part of this series was just as good as the first. I love Tsugumi's family and how the Arthur gave you a bit of his parents back story. A great read! Can't wait until the next installment.


1 review

March 8, 2020




2,215 reviews39 followers

April 14, 2022

Auch der zweite Teil dieser Reihe war wieder ein absolutes Highlight. In diesem Band loten Tsugumi und Megumi ihre Beziehung aus. Megumi denkt sie sind bereits in einer Beziehung und weiß dass er Tsugumi liebt. Der hingegen hat sich da noch gar keine Gedanken drum gemacht. Er dachte es hat sich damit einfach getan, das Megumi ihm hilft wenn er in Hitze kommt und das ganze nicht kontrollieren kann. Als er nun mit Megumis Liebesgeständnis konfrontiert wird, macht er sich doch Gedanken. Und das wird so herrlich witzig dargestellt. Wie er da die anderen Charaktere fragt was Liebe ist und wie die dann darauf reagieren und, vor allem, wie Tsugumi dann wieder auf deren Kommentare reagiert. Überhaupt war es wieder sehr witzig.
Ich mag beide Hauptcharakter sehr, aber auch die Nebencharaktere sind interessant. Vor allem Tsugumis Väter und seine kleine Schwester sind einfach mega süß und witzig. Am Ende des Mangas bekommt man eine Kurzgeschichte dazu, wie die Väter sich kennengelernt haben. Das war auch niedlich.
Bei Boyslove Mangas habe ich am Ende meist das Gefühl, dass der Manga eigentlich gar nicht wirklich Handlung hatte. Hier bei dieser Reihe habe ich aber das Gefühl die Charaktere kennengelernt zu haben und richtig in die Story abgetaucht zu sein. Schön auch, dass die Mangas der Reihe mal etwas dicker sind mit 242 Seiten.
Der Zeichenstil ist auch voll und ganz mein Ding. Ich liebe die Gestik und Mimik und die Charaktere sind gut auseinander zu halten.
Ich freue mich schon auf Band 3.

Story 4,6/5
Emotionen 4,4/5
Charaktere 5+/5
Zeichenstil 4,6/5
Lesegefühl 5+/5
Gesamt 5,0/5


593 reviews10 followers

January 11, 2022

Megumi & Tsugumi geht in die zweite Runde und ich muss sagen, dass ich sehr froh bin, auf all die begeisterten Stimmen gehört und die Reihe begonnen zu haben, obwohl mich das Cover von Band 1 nicht ansprach.

Der Zeichenstil mag nicht zu meinen Favoriten zählen, dennoch liebe ich es, wie intensiv er Emotionen vermittelt und sauber gezeichnet ist. Außerdem werden die Panel immer gut ausgenutzt, was ich ebenfalls mag.

Womit die Reihe jedoch vor allem punktet sind die Hauptcharaktere, die wunderbar eigensinnig sind.
Besonders Tsugumis Sturkopf, aufbrausende Art und Unwissenheit in Bezug auf Liebe, entlocken mir mehr als nur ein kleines Schmunzeln. Er ist ein Omega, wie ich ihn mir wünsche.
Megumi im Gegenzug ist absolut durchschaubar, in Bezug auf seine Emotionen. Dennoch zeigt er Charakterstärke in dem er dem entgegensteht, was ihm von klein auf eigetrichtert wurde.

Der Handlungsstrang dieses Bandes stellt die Frage in den Raum, was Liebe eigentlich ist und wie sie sich anfühlt. Diesen Weg mitanzusehen hat mir viel Freude beim Lesen gebracht.

Nichtsdestotrotz finde ich, dass diese Geschichte vor allem von den Charakteren lebt, die so viel Frische und Charme reinbringen. Vor allem auch Tsugumis Väter (und deren Geschichte) sind einfach zuckersüß.
Und wie es sich für eine Gute Story gehört, haben wir auch einen einen Rivalen. Es bleibt also spannend.


270 reviews5 followers

August 16, 2023

Fue un poco más complicado que el anterior, la realidad es que megumi tiene la paciencia de un santo, tsugumi es lindo pero jodidamente desesperante jaja todo esta temporada se trato de megumi tratando de hacer que tsugumi entienda que lo ama y que quiere estar con él todo el tiempo y que sea su compañero, hubieron altibajos, discusiones, algunas confusiones de parte de tsugumi sobre lo que sentía por megumi, algunas amistades se fueron por ejemplo subaru el mejor amigo de megumi que resultó estar enamorado de él y que casi abusa de él también, tengo un poco de problemas con la facilidad con la que se usa la palabra abusar, pero entiendo que en el omegaverse lamentablemente ocurre más de lo que debería, también conocimos más de los lindos padres de tsugumi
Harutsugu y kuro ji, en realidad son los más lindos, se nota que gran parte de la personalidad de tsugumi viene de su papá omega Kuroji
Fue una buena temporada

Eres libre tsugumi, puedes ponerle el nombre que quieras a tus sentimientos

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    bl lecturas-2023 manhwa


512 reviews32 followers

October 30, 2023

Question: As an omega, what conclusion do you come up with once you realize that thinking about a certain alpha sends you straight into heat? That while you were able to control you heat through the sheer force of your willpower before, now you are always - even subconsciously - turning to said alpha to help with your heats?

Answer: (Normal person logic): Maybe I feel safe enough let him be with me at my most vulnerable time and perhaps I like said alpha more than I should

Answer: (Tsugumi's logic): This shit makes no sense! It's his fault! He made me weak and so he must die! *picks up lead pipe and heads on over to Megumi's house for premeditated murder purposes*

Me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ps. Megumi forgiving his 'best friend' for the attempted rape, claiming that he doesn't hate him, and somehow blaming himself to rationalize the so-called best friend's actions.... Yeah, that gets a no from me

    manga-webtoon-manhwa mm-bl omegaverse

Gabriele | QueerBookdom

371 reviews167 followers

April 13, 2023

Representation: queer Japanese protagonists, queer Japanese secondary characters, Japanese secondary and tertiary characters.

Content Warning: omegaverse, violence, rape attempt.

My thoughts did not change much from the first volume to this second one. Megumi and Tsugumi's relationship is developing interestingly and they are keeping on being expressive, each in their own unique way.

(this volume, though, featured a chapter dedicated to Tsugumi's dads as well, and their relationship did not have the best of beginnings either, as Harutsugu was full-on stalking Kuroji, but he did not want to admit it to himself. I was not fond of that mostly because I liked what we were shown and this somewhat tarnished their bond)

Be warned though that it is explicit and features minors as main protagonists.

    achillean contemporary fantasy

Ren | The Bookish Ren

1,673 reviews132 followers

May 26, 2023

I am LOVING this little Omegaverse series so much. It’s hilarious and sweet and sexy. Tsugumi is a tough guy omega who tries to control his heat except he can’t quit craving Megumi, the alpha that’s not like other alphas.

So in this second volume, Megumi wants “more” and Tsugumi has no idea what that means. It was so cute watching Tsugumi try to figure out what he felt. Turns out he doesn’t like when others touch or talk about his Megumi. Gah! That was such a sweet (and hilarious) little bonus scene that we got. These two are mates and I can’t wait until they’re older and they bond!

We also found out how Tsugumi’s parents got together. I wanted to punch Subaru so he better redeem himself. The drawings are so good and the little messages from the illustrator and writer are too cute. I’m obsessed and so sad we have to wait until August for the next one!

RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
SPICE: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
POV: 1st, Dual

Anastasia ⋆。☽˚。

824 reviews16 followers

May 13, 2023

These two are hilarious together, but you can see how much they genuinely care for each other. Megumi is kind and caring, but he just wants Tsugumi to figure out his feelings. And Tsugumi is so unsure of things. Hopefully, it gets better from here.
However, what I don’t like it everything surrounding Megumi’s best friend. I knew more non-con instances, were going to happen in this manga at some point, and some did in the form of brief instances, so I wasn’t shocked at that. What shocked by was the extent to which Megumi’s best friend went to and then for Megumi to later say he didn’t necessarily hate him, nor did he let Tsugumi beat him. I’m just very confused on Megumi’s dynamic with his best friend and hope to see less of the other male.

    2023-read boys-love-manga manga-read-23

Jennifer Lavoie

Author4 books68 followers

April 1, 2023

The second book in the series, this is a fantastic entry. I love the way Megumi and Tsugumi's relationship evolved. What was also nice was seeing Tsugumi's parents and how their relationship began.

As for Megumi and Tsugumi, it was interesting to see how their communication and understanding of each other has changed. Neither of them understand each other well, but more so Tsugumi. He does not understand social cues that are common to most people, especially to those dating. I appreciated Megumi's insistence on not progressing things until Tsugumi understood what was going on between them.

    omegaverse yaoi


1,170 reviews3 followers

July 10, 2023

In omegaverse, the main type of tropes are that alphas will attack omegas during their heats because the alpha goes crazy off the pheromones, so it is to be expected to see that trope in these types of series. However, the alphas attacking are usually strangers and the main alpha protagonist swoops in to save the day….. Key word being STRANGERS! Having the attack be from someone one of the character knows produces an icky feeling.

Anyway, I am glad that I didn’t buy this series and found it somewhere because it’s not sitting right with me. I’ll read the last volume available and never worry about this popping up as a suggestion for me.

    lgbt manga romance

Mak ♡

971 reviews7 followers

February 27, 2021

Uma leitura bem diversificada.. Mas com um grande grau de divertimento...


O manga é lindo.. Cada página foi perfeita...

Megumi e Tsugumi, formam um casal perfeitos, e ver a forma como um age com o outro é maravilhoso.. E ver que finalmente Tsugumi assume que gosta de Megumi é divertidíssimo, mas quero mais...

Cadê o Volume 3??? Juro que preciso saber o que vai acontecer com esse dois... Na torcida que eles fiquem juntos e sejam feliz...


Boa Leitura!! Good Reading!! 🎀😘

Megumi & Tsugumi, Vol. 2 (Yaoi Manga) (2025)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.